[WikiEN-l] Re: The Facebook opens for buisness

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Fri Apr 30 14:24:49 UTC 2004

Timwi wrote

> The idea itself is pretty good, but the page already demonstrates that
> it doesn't really work because almost everybody is going to try to be
> special and either distort their image beyond recognition (e.g.
> LordSuryaofShropshire) or use something that barely even depicts their
> self (e.g. Anthère). To a non-Wikipedian, this kind of thing reinforces
> the belief that Wikipedia is run/controlled by a bunch of weirdos.

Or, possibly, has a sense of humour.

Wow, I see ample opportunity for anxious over-interpretation here.  I have
just noticed that amongst the mathematically inclined, Axel is looking _up_,
Michael Hardy is looking _directly into the camera_, and I'm looking _down_.
Let's not even get into Angela and Anthere's respective choices.

By chance I'd just uploaded a snap, which was elsewhere on the Web.  I
thought this was a cool idea when I saw it.

My non-weboholic wife thought the photos were 'interesting', too.


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