[WikiEN-l] Re: Use of noncommercial-only images

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon Apr 19 06:25:19 UTC 2004

Matthew Brown wrote:

>Michael Snow writes:
>>For the types of uses for which US copyright law allows "fair use",
>the Berne Convention 
>>requires that the source of the work be mentioned.
>A clarification I'd like: does *US copyright law* require the source be
>mentioned?  Or is it the Berne Convention that requires it?
Does it matter?   If the United States has ratified the Berne 
Convention, then international law would have it that its provisions 
override contrary provisions in US domestic law.  Nevertheless, the 
United States has often made the claim in many areas that the opposite 
is true, much to the annoyance of other nations.

Whatever the law, citing sources remains a desirable practice.  The 
ability to trace a submission is the strongest evidence that we can have 
for establishing our rights to do what we do.


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