[WikiEN-l] [fatherjerome at fiwd.org: Wikipedia]

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Fri Apr 9 13:00:45 UTC 2004

Fan mail that leads me to think that a few pages should be checked for
accuracy.  I normally anonymize these things, but in this case, the
fan in question has had edits reverted in the past, and seems eager to
get his message out to the world.  Additionally, your understanding
what I'm saying without me having to come right out and say it will
be enhanced if you read this.  :-)

----- Forwarded message from Father Jerome FIWD <fatherjerome at fiwd.org> -----

From: "Father Jerome FIWD" <fatherjerome at fiwd.org>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 19:38:44 -0700
To: <jwales at bomis.com>
Subject: Wikipedia

J Wales

Hi!  Noticed your contact info on the Wikipedia Contact Page.  I appreciate
the participatory democracy aspect of Wikipedia, but I am just not used to
possibly posting something on a BB (as I once did on a Wikipedia page!),
only to have it immediately removed by someone who did not understand it!

Anyway, I guess I'd just like to pass along some compliments, primarily on
your 'Systems Theory' page.  I have website links to both your 'Systems
Theory' main page and the Discussion page, where I did successfully (several
months back!) post a quite lengthy 'discussion' regarding Systems Theory,
the new Science of Quantum Systemics and QUFD.  And I think someone must
have at least read some of the gigantic database which is the QUFD website
(listed in the Top 1% worldwide!), because it seems that the main 'Systems
Theory' page on Wikipedia has been recently up-dated by someone to
explicitly include the definitions of QUFD and Quantum Systemics in the
overall definition, to wit: "Systems theory focuses on complexity and
interdependance. It has a strong philosophical dimension, because applied to
the human mind and society, it results in unusual perspectives."  Ouch, and
Wow!  Or rather, Congratulations!  Because that is about as close to
defining QUFD as one can get in so few words!

As I said, I am no expert nor connoisseur at 'fighting the battle' for
postings, but I do appreciate the quite accurate definition that Wikipedia
gives of QUFD and Quantum Systemics via your 'Systems Theory' page.
Incidentally, I've recently added a new 'definition page' to the over 1610
webpages (according to Google!) of the QUFD 'Textbook' , entitled, "QUFD: An
Introspective!"  Perhaps you might find it interesting reading.  Note: I've
already been notified that it is being considered for a feature article in a
quite famous national/international magazine, as well as being looked at for
consideration of a movie by LucasArts!  It can be found at:

I do hope this communication reaches you, as it seems that malicious
viruses-emails and 'spam' are abundant nowadays and if you are having to do
as I am, and deleting almost all 'unknown-sender' emails, perhaps your
auto-delete will delete this message too!  But I hope not!

Aum, Peace, Amen

Father Jerome, OA/OWB
D.Th.(In Esse-the Theology of Reality),
D.Sc.(Quantum Physics)
Father Jerome USA,
Author of the world-renown 'textbook-on-the-Web'
(listed in the TOP 1% of worldwide websites),
the QUFD (Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics) website, at:
An Affiliate of the
Freedom, Independence & World Democracy (FIWD) Institute,
London (OA/OWB)

----- End forwarded message -----

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