[WikiEN-l] articles about Serbian history

Steve Vertigum utilitymuffinresearch2 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 25 05:13:39 UTC 2003

--- Mirko Thiessen <mt at mirko-thiessen.de> wrote:
> For 
> instance, the article about Ratko Mladic on the
> website (not in Wikipedia, 
> just on that site) reads: "Leader of the Serbian
> army in the defensive war 
> that gave rise to the Republic of Srpska. It was the
> Army of Republic of 
> Srpska, which heroically prevented mass slaughter of
> the Serbian 
> population in former Bosnia and Herzegovina."
> Almost every article linked from the [[List of
> Serbs]] page includes a 
> link to that page. Even if the information in these
> articles is correct, I 
> feel very uncomfortable, if articles about Serbia
> are copies from such an 
> extremist source. I regard this as a potential
> damage to Wikipedia's 
> respectability.
> Do others agree, or am I too hysterical?

No, thats a rather Serbian POV look at history -- Im
sure Muslim Croats and Albanians would take issue with
those chracterizations.


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