[WikiEN-l] Removing personal information

Alex R. alex756 at nyc.rr.com
Mon Oct 6 17:46:17 UTC 2003

From: "Daniel Ehrenberg" <littledanehren at yahoo.com>
> IMHO, we non-lawyers shouldn't question the legal
> expertice of a lawyer.

It is ok Dan, really the beauty of law is that anyone can
come up with a new argument and sometimes a fresh

 >...He went to law school for three years; 

Actually I was in law school for four years, I have
two law degrees and every year take continuing
legal education courses required by the court
to keep up with developments in the law

>...you read one article about Napster in 5
> minutes. I'm not saying all lawyers are always right,
> there are some lawyers that are corrupt or wrong, but
> Alex definitely isn't one of them.

Thank you Dan, but SV does bring up some good
points now and then and they are thoughtful.
As a general rule lawyers do not dislike people 
who enliven a debate, after all that is what we do
even amongst ourselves.


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