[WikiEN-l] Re: RK temp-banned

Jimmy Wales jwales at joey.bomis.com
Thu Oct 2 19:11:10 UTC 2003

Axel Boldt wrote:
> If it was Jimbo, then I would like to see his reasoning.

No, Erik did this on his own.  I support it in a limited sense, i.e.
I give my moral support to Erik's good will and legitimate concerns,
but don't want it to set a precedent and do think that it's a good
case for us to discuss the limits on sysop powers.  I won't be
criticizing Erik for it.

I think it's actually a very interesting thing that, so far, the
consensus *of existing sysops* seems to be running against expanded
sysop powers.  So at least we're not power hungry maniacs.  Oh, except
for me, of course.  ;-)


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