[WikiEN-l] Re: Speaking of POV -- MR Sheldon Rampton?

Sheldon Rampton sheldon.rampton at verizon.net
Thu Oct 2 14:02:05 UTC 2003

Steve Vertigum wrote:

>Ive looked at some of the material on Disinfopedia,
>and think most of it too valuable to leave to it
>alone.  I would encourage at some point an integration
>of those date to Wikipedia-- as much of it is
>The only failing of Disinfo that I can see so far
>(besides the fact that "Disinfo" doesnt bring up DisP
>on a Google search) is its disconnection from
>Wikipedia, and the division of energy that it

Sorry for not answering this sooner. I'm rather busy these days, so I 
haven't been reading all my email. I'm not opposed in principle to 
merging the Disinfopedia into Wikipedia, but I'd like to see what 
other Wikipedians think of the idea.

>Not to mention NPOV -- that the occasional crass
>comment actually hurts the legitimacy of the DisP as a

Point taken. The Disinfopedia is still very young, and hasn't yet 
achieved the maturity of the Wikipedia.

>Respectforking yours,

Har har. Technically, though, I don't think the Disinfopedia is a fork.
|  Sheldon Rampton
|  Editor, PR Watch (www.prwatch.org)
|  Author of books including:
|     Friends In Deed: The Story of US-Nicaragua Sister Cities
|     Toxic Sludge Is Good For You
|     Mad Cow USA
|     Trust Us, We're Experts
|     Weapons of Mass Deception

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