[WikiEN-l] Stevertigo should not be allowed to write about Jews

Gutza gutza at moongate.ro
Wed Oct 1 18:03:03 UTC 2003

Robert, will you *please* stop sending these e-mails? This is spam. I 
doubt anyone can find any more new information in these e-mails of yours 
than can be found in Viagra spam mail, you have the same problems over 
and over, you're being harrassed for being a Jew, everybody's 
anti-Semite, yadda-yadda-yadda. I read the "bizarre rant on oil" 
Stevertigo posted, courtesy of Gareth BTW -- you didn't bother to quote 
it, you just started complaining about it.

Can you actually prove these horrendous anti-Semitic statements made by 
Stevertigo as to justify this interminable e-mail of yours? Please 
either post some quotations here, or just stop it! Also, not posting any 
of the wrong-doings of Stevertigo on this list along with your 
accusations insults our intelligence -- it looks like we're too idiots 
to appreciate the hatred in his postings, and you're the only one who 
can really understand what he's really saying, so you have to somehow 
interpret it for us. Try us once, give us the juice, let's see what this 
evil, evil man wrote, let's all be the judges of his horrid attitude and 
stone him to death in the name of what is good, right and decent! But 
let's see some data first, ok?


Robert wrote:
 > Much ado about nada, IMHO.

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