[WikiEN-l] Re: photographs and POV

koyaanis qatsi obchodnakorze at yahoo.com
Tue May 20 03:54:09 UTC 2003

John Owens writes:
>Did anyone bother to notice that I did NOT say that
>photographs were NPOV, or very NPOV? :-\ 

Well, I noticed that you said 

"So, umm, just what opinions does a photograph have?
As long as they aren't doctored or staged, photographs
are about as NPOV as it gets around here.  You _can_
make a POV photograph, but you have to try.  The
inclusion or not is where the POV usually starts to
creep in. And it seems to be trying to do so now."

It sounds to me--and apparently I've misunderstood
this--as if you are saying that photographs are
inherently NPOV unless they are doctored or staged. 
It sounds to me as if you are also saying that it
takes effort to make an undoctored photograph which is

Failing to disagree with you respectfully the last
time, I will disagree with you respectfully now.  I
would argue that taking a POV photograph is a function
of having a camera.

But perhaps I've misunderstood what you mean, again,
which I seem wont to do.  If so, please explain how.



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