[WikiEN-l] JohnQ / MaryMary - the clitoris guy

Toby Bartels toby+wikipedia at math.ucr.edu
Wed May 14 21:28:07 UTC 2003

Christopher Mahan wrote:

>I feel that an encyclopedia of our caliber can really positively
>impact the lives and education of younger people. By which I mean
>anyone who can read and click a mouse (I don't know how old that is,
>but my guess is around 4 years old)

I doubt that 4-year-olds can profitably read our text.
Still, we shouldn't bar them from reading, so your point is OK.

>I would want to be able to send a 10 year old inquisitive mind to the
>W without any reservation.

I would send a 10-year-old to [[en:Peyronie disease]] without reservation.

>Besides, if someone wants to see adult nudity, I can give them a few
>"juicy" links ;)
>Just to demonstrate I'm not prude or anything.

What good would that do the 10-year-old interested in Peyronie disease?
You may not be a prude, but you still equate nudity with pornography,
so you may as well be one.  I want to see pictures of Peyronie disease,
not bowlderised drawings (detailed drawings that aid understanding are OK),
nor irrelevant "juicy" porn just to demonstrate that you're not a prude.

-- Toby

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