[WikiEN-l] Introducing WikiMoney

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon May 12 18:45:03 UTC 2003

Erik Moeller wrote:

>> I think most people wouldn't care enough to get a wikismile. Since it can't
>>be used for anything outside of Wikipedia (well, *theoretically* it can) it
>>is already worthless.
>So you think everything done within Wikipedia is worthless?
>Of course you don't. If you earn WikiWishes, you can use them to motivate  
>others to take on tasks which you yourself do not want to or cannot  
>complete. This may sound silly, but it only works if people believe in it  
>-- if they don't, nobody will be motivated to earn WikiWishes, which means  
>that they won't have new wishes to spend, and so forth.
The motivations behind this initiative are commendable, but I have a 
hard time seeing it as anything but extra work.  Anybody who has been 
around for over a month soon sees that there is more than enough work to 
go around.  Just imagine all these otherwise excellent contributors 
running around accounting for W$.  Don't we already spend enough time 
with the mailing lists? :-)

Perhaps when the foundation is at last a reality, and there is real 
money in the bank for promotional material we could send out "I'm a 
Wikiholic" buttons and T-shirts paid for in W$.  Members could earn W$ 
for simply editing, but at a higher rate if it's something that the 
community has asked for.  A person could lose W$ for bad behaviour. 
 Maybe Lir and DW could start off owing us T-shirts ;-)


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