[WikiEN-l] Conventions and movie vs. film

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 18:46:38 UTC 2003

The Cunctator wrote:
>We actually did have a big discussion about this 
>and film ended up being nixed because of the problem 
>of digital videa replacing actual film as the medium 
>for "films". Thus, "movie".

That's one minor reason (but that convention was
written sometime in the UseMod days - well before
digital movies were widely available in movie
theaters). Another is that the word "film" is often
applied selectively (in at least the United States) to
movies that are considered to be of a higher caliber.
Thus, to many people, all films are movies but not all
movies are films. 

However, it basically comes down to this - we had to
choose something to serve as a standard disambiguating
term just as we had to choose one format to have all
the day articles reside at. 

Disambiguation is aimed at resolving ambiguities and
having both "film" and "movie" exist side by side is
inconsistent - creating ambiguity. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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