[WikiEN-l] DTK article

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Thu Mar 20 13:21:12 UTC 2003

Stevertigo wrote:
> Cuncators Sysop status is directly at odds with his heavy handed
> behaviour regarding this page - contradiction Jim's notions that
> sysops stay neutral.

Are you accusing him of using sysop powers "in a fight" or merely of
using ordinary wiki editing in a way that you don't like?

Sysops are held to a high level of accountability for using sysop
powers, as they are supposed to be only "technical".  But we are *all*
held to a high level of accountability for ordinary editing, and there
is no leeway for non-sysops on this.

> Dont expect the answer to come from the top...
> Jim stays neutral because hes hoping people can find resolutions on their
> own...  You comprende, Victoria? -SV

I generally find that if I keep my mouth shut for awhile, NPOV
emerges.  In this cases, we went over all this with the "Aids" slogan,
and I thought the result was fine.  I said my piece there.

Some slogans, even hateful slogans, are of sufficient historical (or
other) importance that they can deserve a separate article.  The Aids
Kills Fags Dead slogan is a great example.  When I first heard about
the page, I thought, "Oh gosh, that doesn't sound like a valid article
at all."  But then I read the article and realized that it was a
legitimate topic.


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