[WikiEN-l] Re: Can we ban [[User:Michael]] please?

Lee Pilich pilich at btopenworld.com
Sat Mar 8 02:36:31 UTC 2003

About [[User:Michael]], I wrote:

>I'd like him to be banned. He may well return under a different name, but 
>it's got to be worth a go.

In fact, this seems to be the same chap who a while ago made a stack of 
inexplicable [[Year in MTV]] pages - nobody knew what they were for, and 
after asking him if he could explain to no response, they were deleted. 
He's been around for a while. He seems determined, so it might be best to 
*not* ban him so as to keep all his user contributions in the one place. 
They'll be easier to revert that way.

But maybe that's too clever, I don't know.

lp (camembert)
"A finished work is exactly that, requires resurrection." --John Cage

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