[WikiEN-l] Can we ban [[User:Michael]] please?

Lee Pilich pilich at btopenworld.com
Sat Mar 8 02:14:03 UTC 2003

[[User:Michael]], after adding a load of apparent nonsense to the 
[[Slayer]] article, is now doing the same at [[Crass]], where he is also 
making up comments on the talk page and attributing them to others. He's 
also adding entries to the various Grammy award winners list pages which 
don't seem to tally with what's on the Grammy website (though it could just 
be that I'm not using their search function properly). I've tried to leave 
him a note on his talk page and be civil about it, but it was deleted with 
no response.

I'd like him to be banned. He may well return under a different name, but 
it's got to be worth a go.

lp (camembert)
WikiKarma: cleaning up after this chap

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