[WikiEN-l] Micheal again

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 11 03:26:36 UTC 2003

Micheal is back again as user:Punk.

I'm not reverting him yet because that would be a
waste of time due to his inability to take a hint. I
will revert all his edits as soon as he leaves. 

For the sake of sanity I suggest everyone else do the


BTW, has anyone ever drafted a complaint letter to an
ISP complaining about a user? It would be nice to have
a draft of such a letter placed on

That way we can at least easily complain to the ISP's
of our persistent vandals. 

I imagine that they would do something if they got a
constant stream of complaints about one of their

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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