[WikiEN-l] Re: Terrible new design

Tim Starling ts4294967296 at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 5 16:36:15 UTC 2003

"The Cunctator" <cunctator at kband.com> wrote in
message news:1057355234.17618.15.camel at venus.mit.edu...
> While the new happy post-it-note styling of the homepage is a cute and
> enterprising experiment in design, it's amateurish, arbitrary, and busy.
> This is why we have skins! Please make this an optional skin only.

Just make your own main page and bookmark it, that will have much the same
effect. It's the first time vistors we want to impress, and for them we want
to have either a decent main page or a decent "default main page skin". I
happen to think the former is better since it's easier to collaboratively

-- Tim Starling.

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