[WikiEN-l] Re: 142.177.xxx.xxx (aka 24) is at it again

Richard Grevers dramatic at xtra.co.nz
Tue Jan 28 05:26:36 UTC 2003

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 14:38:39 -0800 (PST), Daniel Mayer 
<maveric149=/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org> wrote:

> I found this on my meta talk page after I extended a
> ban on an IP that is virtually identical to an IP that
> had already been banned for making a hideous racial
> slur:
>> ....
>> Murder of vast numbers of people who believe as you
>> do becomes justified, when you use control of a technology that they 
>> don't have, to censor their
>> views on what you are doing, and make it impossible for them to stop you 
>> any other way.
> I may have been wrong in banning the IP from en.wiki
> but I don't appreciate thinly veiled threats on my
> life.
> Can we ban all this users IPs and perhaps call the
> cops?
Banning IP's is generally a bad idea. For example, New Zealand's top ISP 
has 100,000 users and probably a pool of around 30,000 IP addresses. Odds 
are that a user who is banned will be on another IP next time they dial in, 
and there are 100,000 potential Wikipedians whou you are at best mystifying 
or at worst driving away by rendering them unable to edit should they 
happen along on the IP(s) you've banned.
I'm on DSL, with a much more stable IP, but I know that if I want to 
change, all I have to do is switch of my router for 10 seconds.

Richard Grevers

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