[WikiEN-l] Re: WikiEN-l digest, Vol 1 #261 - 12 msgs

Robert rkscience100 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 10 15:16:02 UTC 2003

I am apalled by Fred Bauder's personal attacks on me.  He
claimed to have read the Talk page for the Idolatry
article, yet in point of fact Fred Bauder failed to mention
all of the flames that "Dietary Fiber" write about to me,
Fred failed to mention the fact that Dietary Fiber is on
some quest to attack my personal religious beliefs (which
is blatantly inappropriate on Wikipedia); Fred "overlooked"
the forged quote, and then Fred only quoted my response to
the trolling...and then stated that _I_ should be put on
some sort of watch.

I am saddened by his behaviour. If Fred Bauder cannot
control himself, let him go elsewhere until he calms down. 
Some of us have serious work to do.


"I prefer a wicked person who knows he is wicked, to a righteous person who knows he is righteous".
The Seer of Lublin [Jacob Isaac Ha-Hozeh Mi-Lublin, 1745-1815]

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