[WikiEN-l] Clean up our mess!

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com
Mon Nov 25 22:28:41 UTC 2002

Ed wrote:
>1. Just because a person is wearing a sign on his back that says "Kick me!", 
that's no excuse for people to kick him.
>2. The Cunctator is right often enough that I continue to read all his posts. 
Occasionally, I have even taken his advice.

1. I was being a lawyer, Ed: 'never ask a question you don't know the answer 
to.'  Thank you for making the point explicit.  :-)

2.  Of course he's often right.  And I read all his posts except the ones on a 
thread I've disconnected from.


P.S. I'd post a diff to redeem this email, but wikipedia isn't responding.

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