[WikiEN-l] TMC

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Wed Nov 20 17:29:50 UTC 2002

Could someone fix this list? Reply-to is not set; Ed's last post came to 
me only.

Please could Jimbo or one of the developers do something about TMC's 
username? The joke is old and tired. The guy is clearly taking the piss:

"I neither request nor consent to a database driven name change. If this 
is done done without my request or consent, it is analagous to the use 
of force against me. TMC"

Big deal. We've lost Isis because of this username -- has everyone 
forgotten that?

What's the soft security way here? Cunctator, do you have any bright 
ideas how we can softly enforce Community Expectation?

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