Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 17 14:05:04 UTC 2002

On Tuesday 17 December 2002 12:00 pm, John Grygo wrote:
> Is this what I get for signing-up the other day?
> A good old 'Nigerian Scam' E-Mail?
> How secure is your site?
> Chagur

Your email address and personal info hasn't been compromised and neither has 
the website so security /is not/ an issue at all. The available evidence 
shows that the spam in question was sent to the mailing list, not you 
directly. Spam is an eventual fact of life for anybody with an email address. 
So since this is an open and unmoderated list that has been around for a 
while we get spam too.  

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

WikiKarma payment. Have you had your Wiki today?

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