[WikiEN-l] My proposal

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com
Fri Dec 13 17:39:21 UTC 2002

Jimbo wrote:
>First, any one approver can send message onward to the list.  So the
>conspiracy of silence would have to be unanimous.
>Second, I pledge to log in at least once per day, weekdays, to process
>all the remainders.  (Possibly the list will be made unmoderated on
>the weekends?  Or the approvers can be more generous on the weekends.)
>Third, any post that I reject will give the poster the option of
>INSISTING that it be published as-is, subject only to whatever legal
>liability I might face if it's really awful (like a death threat).
>Fourth, wikipedia-l will remain unmoderated, so anyone who feels that
>I've been cruel can squawk about it over there, unhindered.
>Do those safeguards address your concerns sufficiently?

Sounds fine.  I'm not trying to be difficult, really.  I do want
*something* to change, you know.  :-)


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