[WikiEN-l] My proposal

Lee Pilich pilich at btopenworld.com
Fri Dec 13 02:33:50 UTC 2002

At 23:55 12/12/2002 +0000, Cunc wrote:
>Moderation is fine for lists with a clearly defined scope, such as
>job-announcement lists or dog-breeding tips. These wiki lists do not have
>such a clearly defined scope.

I think this is a good point. I just looked at [[Wikipedia:Mailing lists]] 
and it says:

"Wikipedia has a number of project mailing lists; the general project-wide 
list is Wikipedia-L. It's an essential resource for Wikipedia authors. 
Maybe you don't want to clutter up Wikipedia with questions or discussion. 
Or maybe, for whatever reason, you'd just like to chat with other 
Wikipedians without doing so via the wiki format. Great, then sign up for 
Wikipedia-L! "

The writeup for WikiEN-L isn't much more precise, just adding that it is 
for "discussion of issues concerning the english wikipedia only".  Note 
that it doesn't say "The list isn't for flaming, so don't do it", or 
whatever. It even encourages "chat", which I think most subscribers would 
think of as unwanted noise.

Before we go ahead with moderation (which I remain opposed to) we ought to 
have some idea of what is (or should be) and isn't (or shouldn't be) 
allowed on the list, make this clear to all list members, and edit 
[[Wikipedia:Mailing lists]] to reflect this. I am very unclear still as to 
what is being proposed about what should and shouldn't be allowed.

Perhaps we need [[Wikipedia:What the mailing list is not]] or something.

LP (camembert)

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