[Wikide-l] Beitrag über Wikipedia bezüglich des Palin-Artikels

Mathias Schindler mathias.schindler at gmail.com
Mo Sep 8 14:46:48 UTC 2008

2008/9/4 Juergen Fenn <juergen.fenn at gmx.de>:

> Ich kenne kein Freies Projekt, das sich so offen darstellt wie die
> Wikipedia.

OSM legt die Latte meines Erachtens sehr hoch.

In other news und FYI:

As it would have been expected considering their generally more
idealistic outlook, some of them including Wikimedia Deutschland
officials are now in the process of thinking of a way to educate media
representatives on the workings of Wikimedia projects in a special
workshop, not only trying to prevent bad press (see the aforementioned
Welt-article, which was especially criticised for its complete lack of
knowledge, phantasizing about admin conspiracies and censorship
instead), but also getting in touch with the people from the news.

So ein einzelner kommadurchsetzter Bandwurmsatz muss von einem
Deutschen stammen.
