[Wikide-l] Wikipedia-Tipp des Tages

Thomas Hühn huehn-ml at arcor.de
So Jul 16 15:11:08 UTC 2006

Vor dem Publizieren besser nochmal ein paar Tage oder Wochen warten und
dann nochmal nachschauen. Oder gleich zu einer Nicht-Wiki-Enzyklopädie


"However Wikipedia is openly and collaboratively written, and it just so
happened that while I was checking for the Català language, a vandal had
gone and changed the name of the language to ‘Polaco’ through the
article. Guifré tells us that apparently in Català, this is a childish
insult sometimes used against Catalan people. I found this today by
looking at Wikipedia’s history page of that article for April 7 - the
vandalism was corrected quickly in half a day, but in a perfect example
of horrible timing, I’d already copied it into Blender."

Tja, dumm gelaufen und dort auch mit größerem Impact als in der
Seminararbeit eines einzelnen Studenten.
