[Wikide-l] Fwd: [Wikipedia-l] New info about China's blockage

Ting Chen Wing.Philopp at gmx.de
Di Jun 15 12:01:48 UTC 2004

Hallo Leute,

so weit die momentane Entwicklung als Information. Ich übersetze den Brief
nicht mehr, da ich davon ausgehe, dass die meisten ihn gut verstehen kann.


--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded Message ---
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 19:10:18 +0800
From: "yuanml" <yuanml at pku.org.cn>
To: "wikipedia-l" <wikipedia-l at Wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Wikipedia-l] New info about China's blockage

We, administrators of Chinese Wikipedia, had contacted our ISP today,
and they confirmed the block is responsible for the Chinese government,
and one of them can help us to send an application to the officials who
are in charge of the blockage. We had sent the application, and now we
are waiting for the result. If this attempt is failed, we¡¯ll try another
way. We make efforts to change the situation at present.

I had see Mav¡¯s comment at foundation-l
( http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2004-June/000365.html ), 
I think mav's approach is thoughtful.

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