Would it help if I add the following header to every large batch of queries?
####### # access: (http://query.wikidata.org or https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql?query=%7BSPARQL%7D .) # contact: email, acountname, twittername etc # bot: True/False # ......... ######
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Markus Kroetzsch < markus.kroetzsch@tu-dresden.de> wrote:
Dear SPARQL users,
We are starting a research project to investigate the use of the Wikidata SPARQL Query Service, with the goal to gain insights that may help to improve Wikidata and the query service [1]. Currently, we are still waiting for all data to become available. Meanwhile, we would like to ask for your input.
Preliminary analyses show that the use of the SPARQL query service varies greatly over time, presumably because power users and software tools are running large numbers of queries. For a meaningful analysis, we would like to understand such high-impact biases in the data. We therefore need your help:
(1) Are you a SPARQL power user who sometimes runs large numbers of queries (over 10,000)? If so, please let us know how your queries might typically look so we can identify them in the logs.
(2) Are you the developer of a tool that launches SPARQL queries? If so, then please let us know if there is any way to identify your queries.
If (1) or (2) applies to you, then it would be good if you could include an identifying comment into your SPARQL queries in the future, to make it easier to recognise them. In return, this would enable us to provide you with statistics on the usage of your tool [2].
Further feedback is welcome.
[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Understanding_Wikid ata_Queries
[2] Pending permission by the WMF. Like all Wikimedia usage data, the query logs are under strict privacy protection, so we will need to get clearance before sharing any findings with the public. We hope, however, that there won't be any reservations against publishing non-identifying information.
-- Prof. Dr. Markus Kroetzsch Knowledge-Based Systems Group Faculty of Computer Science TU Dresden +49 351 463 38486 https://iccl.inf.tu-dresden.de/web/KBS/en
Wikidata mailing list Wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikidata