Hoi, I understand that this makes for more complexity inside Wikidata. That is ok if it brings us something tangible. Can you provide me with one or two practical examples how this helps? Thanks, GerardM
On 12 September 2016 at 22:03, Thad Guidry thadguidry@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks Federico. Much appreciated, but...besides creating extra layers inside of Wikidata just to expose external data correctly....
Still, there is a need to have 'external subclass' directly on the parent class of diet https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q474191
One reason is to ease the burden of SPARQL queries for both sides. Wikidata users/developers and Schema.org
We are tracking all of the work here: https://github.com/ schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/280
SELECT * WHERE { {?property wdt:P2235 ?extsuper.} UNION { ?property wdt:P2236 ?extsub. } UNION { ?property wdt:P1628 ?extequiv. } UNION { ?property wdt:P1709 ?_equivalent_class. } FILTER( REGEX(STR(?extequiv), "schema.org") || REGEX(STR(?extsub), "schema.org") || REGEX(STR(?extsuper), "schema.org") || REGEX(STR(?_equivalent_class), "schema.org") ) }
Thad +ThadGuidry https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry
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