[Wikidata-l] Hello from the YAGO team

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Tue Apr 17 17:58:18 UTC 2012

At 17:32 17/04/2012, Dario Taraborelli wrote:
>Shall we create a Wikidata vs {Freebase, DBpedia, YAGO} comparison 
>table on meta (or enwiki)? There's a lot of valuable information in 
>this thread (and I was not familiar with YAGO ­ thanks Fabian) but 
>it's hardly readable. We would do a huge favor to the press and the 
>non-technical community if we had a single place where the 
>differences are documented. Currently, there's only one page about 
>the relation between Wikidata and DBpedia. [1]

My main concern is the information loop. The more there are such 
systems mutually relying on the others how will they protect 
themselves against adequately entered hoaxes?

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