[Wikidata-l] datawikis?

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Mon Apr 9 16:24:01 UTC 2012

Dear Kinsely,

It seems we all say roughly the same thing from differents points of 
view or even data cultures - our objective being not to make our 
personal culture prevail but to be able to converge in feeding 
wikidata with reliable, IP protected, referential data.

At 14:55 09/04/2012, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>On 4/8/12 9:25 PM, JFC Morfin wrote:
>>Is there an objection to the concept of, or cooperation with, 
>>"datawiki" Wikidata compatible projects? I would define a 
>>"datawiki" (as there are databases) as a JSON oriented NoSQL DBMS 
>>using an enhanced wiki as a human user I/O interface.
>Why are you turning a the term "DataWiki" into something so narrow?
>A DataWiki is simply the application of Wiki concepts to Data re. 
>Create, Update, and Delete operation.
>There are quite a number of DataWiki that have been in existence in 
>the Linked Data realm long before Wikidata. It just so happens that 
>Wikidata is potentially another fine example of the DataWiki concept 
>at Web scale.

I read and I certainly understand what you say, "at web scale" and 
"at data level".

1 - I see that we "will just do not do" in a single project all the 
things people (including me) are interested in (cf. Denny's position 
regarding my own needs).
2 - I certainly want to stay interoperable at data level, but I think 
"at netwok scale" and I do not wish to give networking architectural 
responsibilities to user applications.

This is why I try to find an architectural minimum where we could 
converge, and also address the authorititative operational issues in 
a sustainable manner.


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