[Wikidata-l] Engine of Wikidata

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Mon Apr 9 10:26:12 UTC 2012

At 11:55 09/04/2012, Soslan Khubulov wrote:
>The best thing would be to create new engine specially for 
>structured data. It would be also better for Wikitionary.
>Just remember what was Mediawiki created for. Storing marked up text 
>pages. Mediawiki is good for encyclopedia but not for Wikitionary 
>and Wikidata purposes.


you are most probably correct. However, I feel that every different 
need that can be discussed about Wikidata may lead to this 
conclusion, but with different requirements. This is why I suggest to 
uncouple the storing architecture (there might be several ones) from 
the project and to make central its interchange protocol. In doing so 
I suggest to refer to a NoSQL typical storing system as being by 
essence the most complex context since it can be format independant.

Such a protocol is more complex than a simple JSON use. It should 
support concepts such as structure characteristics, confidence 
levels, IP protection, plagiary filtering, authority authentication, 
encryption, langtags, mandatory information, locale files, time, 
embargoes, acknowledgments, etc. Possibly we may want to specify 
datawiki agents for the capture of the data (DWA), some of them could 
be automated processes (e.g. weather observations, scientific 
experiments reporting, stock exchanges, etc.)


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