[treasurers] Welcome, and introductions

Moel moel.tj at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 11:51:33 UTC 2011

Allow me to introduce myself,

My name is Mulwardi Tjitra, easier to be called "Moel" as nick-name.
I was on my break of office-routine when WMID was looking for a Project 
admnistrator. Being an active editor at id.wiki, I am easily "hook" for 
the position which then lead as treasurer.

With WMID, I learn a lot regarding "NGO's accounting transparencies" as 
I do not have any experience on non-profit thingy.

The more I "play" with the platform [MediaWiki] for accounting reports 
etc.. I learn the importance of having a transparent financial 
information [perhaps not 100% due to certain sensitive information etc - 
though this should be reconsider]

When Stu mentioned about the "treasurer-list", I am so happy .. knowing 
or hoping that I would learn much more about how other chapters do their 
financial reports .. and the possibilities of having a shared 
information about it. Of course, I am looking forward to meet other in 
person for a beer [or two] when the chance permits me for next-year 

I also hope that with this list, we could share various idea towars [as 
what Stu has mentioned] "Best practices around governance/transparency 
in the movement" ..



On 10/12/11 9:20 0, Stuart West wrote:
> Now that we've had some time for people to sign up for the list (28 so 
> far), let's kick things off.  I'd like to start with something that's 
> worked well on both the gendergap and developing countries 
> lists:  quick personal introductions and then description of why we're 
> interested in this topic and what we hope to get out of the list.
> I'll go first.
> My name is Stu West and I'm a volunteer on the Wikimedia Foundation's 
> board of trustees.  I am the Board's Treasurer and chair of its Audit 
> Committee.  I've been involved with Wikipedia for about 5-6 years, and 
> on the Board since early 2008.  My day job is in Silicon Valley, where 
> I've worked for private and publicly-traded technology companies in 
> roles including CFO.
> I'm really interested in governance/transparency/accountability issues 
> for a few reasons.  In my role as WMF Treasurer, it's my 
> responsibility to focus on these.  More broadly though, my personal 
> point of view on Wikimedia is very long term.  I'm really amazed at 
> what our community has accomplished, and want to ensure we continue 
> to have a huge and growing impact for the next 100 years.  To do that, 
> I think we'll need to give our community the best 
> possible organizational/legal/governance support.
> As for this list, I'd like it to be a place for high-quality sharing 
> of ideas and best practices around governance/transparency in our 
> movement.  I hope we can attract a significant portion of the 
> treasurers, finance staff, and even Audit Committee members.  I hope 
> it can be a great way for all of us to learn from each other and hope 
> we can have lots of emails asking for advice/support/ideas from one 
> another.  Finally and most importantly, I hope we can use this list to 
> plan Wikimania beers and other in person get-togethers.
> Who's next?
> -s
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *Stuart West <stu at wikimedia.org <mailto:stu at wikimedia.org>>
>> *Subject: **New "treasurers" mailing list*
>> *Date: *November 10, 2011 12:15:12 PM PST
>> *To: *"internal-l" <internal-l at lists.wikimedia.org 
>> <mailto:internal-l at lists.wikimedia.org>>
>> I set up a new public mailing list called 
>> treasurers at lists.wikimedia.org 
>> <mailto:treasurers at lists.wikimedia.org> for discussing and sharing 
>> best practices in financial reporting and financial transparency 
>> across the Wikimedia movement. The primary intended membership is 
>> treasurers, audit committees, and finance staff of movement 
>> organizations, but the list is public and anyone interested in 
>> financial reporting and transparency is welcome. This list is 
>> archived publicly.
>> You can subscribe here:
>> http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/treasurers
>> Please take a moment to forward this on to your favorite Treasurer or 
>> finance staffer.  Thanks.
>> (I thought about just using internal but decided against because a) 
>> there's lots of traffic on it already and b) i'm not sure all our 
>> various treasurers both subscribe to and read internal regularly.)
>> -s
>> ===============
>> Stuart West
>> Board Treasurer
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> stu at wikimedia.org <mailto:stu at wikimedia.org>
> _______________________________________________
> Treasurers mailing list
> Treasurers at lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/treasurers

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