[Toolserver-l] Moving to Apache?

Tim Landscheidt tim at tim-landscheidt.de
Tue Nov 29 00:17:56 UTC 2011


this summer, River set up an Apache instance on wolfsbane.
Is there any roadmap to move off ZWS?

  My interest in this soared today after wrestling (again)
with Perl's "@INC".  "use" and "use libs" are parsed at com-
pile-time, so to use different paths for tests and produc-
tion I either need to patch the "use libs" line at deploy-
ment (and not forget to), or revert to "require" and
"import" which looks ugly.

  I haven't tested it, but the possibility to "SetEnv
PERL5LIB" in an ".htaccess" file should be an elegant solu-
tion to this, and according to the Zeus documentation, there
seems to be no such thing in ZWS.


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