[Toolserver-l] CrontabCr

Carl (CBM) cbm.wikipedia at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 01:49:44 UTC 2011

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 8:46 PM, John <phoenixoverride at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ive been using crontab reliably  for a long time. I havent modified my
> crontab recently. At about 0230UTC 24 November crontab stopped working
> correctly on willow. My scripts no longer work correctly and I am not
> getting any emails from cron. Anyone have any idea what the issue is?

I am having the same problem, with my crontab for 'cbm' on willow. I
did not change the crontab, but my jobs stopped running today, and
when I added a new entry to see if cron was executing the crontab that
did not appear to work.

- Carl

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