[Toolserver-l] Voicing of admins / roots on IRC

Danny B. Wikipedia.Danny.B at email.cz
Sun Nov 13 02:37:09 UTC 2011

It would be practical, if those, who have root access or any kind of higher level access to Toolserver, would be automatically voiced on the IRC channel, like it's habit on some other channels. There could be classical "admins are voiced" note in welcome message or in topic as well. It doesn't cost anything and it is user friendly to visitors.

There are two experiences, which led me to this proposal:
1) Time to time there are people coming to the channel and looking for admins - this could help them.
2) River is changing his nick pretty often. I don't mind that at all - let everybody use the nick they like and it's actually quite pleasant refreshment. But it always take me (and so far I know I'm not alone) some time to find out, which nick he uses ATM... ;-)

Kind regards

Danny B.

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