[Toolserver-l] Fwd: [TS] Killed SQL-Task 15233729 on db-server z-dat-s6-a

Tim Landscheidt tim at tim-landscheidt.de
Fri Nov 4 22:29:34 UTC 2011

Mashiah Davidson <mashiah.davidson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Once again, a question on query killer. Below its report informs that
> with near-zero replag a very simple count(*) only query on s6 takes
> too long, and the killer expects SLOW_OK would help.

> I think something is wrong fundamentally once such a query takes that
> long, and there is no reason to add SLOW_OK and wait even longer.

> [...]

> SELECT count(*) INTO @tl_count FROM ruwiki_p.templatelinks

> [...]

I don't know about MySQL, but usually "COUNT" is rather slow
as it has to look up for every row if it is visible to the
current transaction.

  When did you start using it? :-)


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