[Toolserver-l] Needs of important ressources

Seb35 seb35wikipedia at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 22:34:43 UTC 2011


I'm from the French chapter and we need sometimes a lot of CPU power  
and/or a lot of memory for some projects. For now it happened two times:
* the partnership with the BnF where we need CPU and disk space (for image  
and DjVu processing, we rent a server dedicated to that);
* the treatment of the videos of our GLAM meeting (split the videos and  
OGV conversion, done on a personal computer with a lot of time).

So is it possible to use the toolserver in these cases? And/or ask for a  
particular use when important ressources are required? I didn't seen  
anything related to the ressources in the rules.

~ Seb35 [^_^]

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