[Toolserver-l] user-store

River Tarnell river.tarnell at wikimedia.de
Thu Mar 3 21:04:28 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1


I'm currently copying user-store to a new disk array; this should be 
finished in a couple of days.  I hope the new array will be faster, as 
well as much larger.  There will be a separate maintenance notice for 
the actual switch later.

Once the move is done, in additional to having more storage now (about 
14TB), it will be much easier to add additional storage in the future.  
However, I don't think having a single 14+ TB filesystem is a good idea 
(the initial volume will be 5TB), so I'm considering new ways to split 
up the storage.

The most obvious is to have one volume for miscellaneous files, like the 
current user-store, and then one volume per large project: stats, dumps, 
etc.  People (or MMTs) who wanted additional storage for their project 
could request a new volume of a particular size.  As well as making it 
easier for us to account for space, this would mean you were guaranteed 
to get the amount of storage you asked for, unlike the current situation 
where the filesystem can (and does) fill up.

Does this seem like something that would be useful to users?  Otherwise, 
does anyone have another suggestions for how to allocate the space?

	- river.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (NetBSD)


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