[Toolserver-l] General maintenance notice: Monday, June 6th

Shubinator shubinator1 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 05:19:46 UTC 2011

Your text says the maintenance will start at 08:00 UTC, but the link implies
00:00 UTC. Which is it?


On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:41 PM, River Tarnell
<river.tarnell at wikimedia.de>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> On the morning (UTC) of June 6th we will performance general maintenance[0]
> on all servers.  Services will be affected as follows:
>  Service                   | Expected impact
>  --------------------------+--------------------------------------------------
>  Entire platform           | As described in maintenance schedule[0]
>  FishEye                   | Unavailable for < 10 minutes
> [0] https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Maintenance_schedule
> Start time: Monday, 6th June, 0800h UTC (or possibly earlier)
> http://time.tcx.org.uk/utc/2011-06-06/00:00
> End time: Monday, 6th June, 1200h UTC (estimated)
> http://time.tcx.org.uk/utc/2011-06-06/12:00
> Details:
> We will install current operating system patches on all servers, which will
> require a reboot of each system.
>  --
> We will enable IPv6 on the NFS server, which might make /home
> unavailable for a short period even if hosts are up.
>  --
> FishEye will be upgraded to 2.5.5.
>  --
> We will perform general software upgrades for ts-specs (/opt/ts).  A list
> of
> software to be upgraded can be found at:
>  <https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Admin:Pending_maintenance_tasks>
> Some software may be unavailable or function incorrectly during the upgrade
> process, which we estimate will take under 30 minutes.
> Note: Mono will not be upgraded due to a build failure which was not
> fixed in time for the maintenance.
> ts-specs (/opt/ts software) changes
> - -----------------------------------
> We now build software with GCC stack-smashing protection
> (-fstack-protector) by
> default, and several packages have been rebuilt to benefit from this.  This
> should not cause any user-noticable changes.
> Some notable changes are detailed below:
> webp
> - ----
> The "webpconv" binary is no longer provided; instead, use cwebp and dwebp.
> OpenSSL
> - -------
> We will install a set of root CA certificates for OpenSSL, which will
> enable
> SSL connections (e.g. from cURL or wget) to work by default, as long as the
> certificate is valid, rather than requiring the user to provide a
> certificate
> or disable checking.
> The set of installed certificates will be the current Mozilla root
> certificate
> set (from Firefox) and the Toolserver CA certificate from
> https://fingerprints.toolserver.org.
> Python 3
> - --------
> The default version of Python 3 (/usr/bin/python3) will change to 3.2.
>  Python
> 3.1 will be removed during the following maintenance.
> - -----
> The MySQL client will be upgraded to 5.5.12, and will move from
> /opt/ts/mysql/5.1/bin to /opt/ts/bin.  If you currently call "mysql"
> without a
> path, you do not need to change anything.  If you use
> "/opt/ts/mysql/5.1/bin/mysql", you should change to "/opt/ts/bin/mysql" (or
> preferably remove the path and rely on $PATH).  The old (5.1) client will
> still
> be available for now.
> The MySQL client library will also move to /opt/ts/lib.  The old client
> library
> will still be available, but if you have any compiled software which links
> against MySQL, you should re-compile it with the client library in
> /opt/ts/lib.
> libpng
> - ------
> libpng has been upgraded from 1.4 to 1.5.  A 1.4 runtime library is
> provided
> for compatibility, but if you have any software that links against libpng,
> you
> should recompile it with 1.5.  The following warning (from the libpng
> documentation) applies to this upgrade:
>        The libpng 1.5.x series continues the evolution of the libpng API,
>        finally hiding the contents of the venerable and hoary png_struct
> and
>        png_info data structures inside private (i.e., non-installed) header
>        files. Instead of direct struct-access, applications should be using
>        the various png_get_xxx() and png_set_xxx() accessor functions,
> which
>        have existed for almost as long as libpng itself. (Apps that
> compiled
>        against libpng 1.4 without warnings about deprecated features should
>        happily compile against 1.5, too.)
> - ---
> GCC has been upgraded to 4.6.0.  This should be backwards compatible, so
> there
> is no need to recompile software.  There are two relevant changes for C++
> users:
> * If you define _XOPEN_SOURCE, you need to use -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600.
>  -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 will not work.
> * GCC 4.6 will no longer accept a const object without a ctor, i.e.:
>    struct S { };
>    const S o;
>  The fix is to either add an empty constructor, or explicitly
> default-initialise
>  the object:
>    const S o = S();
>        - river.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (SunOS)
> BksAoI86/sVpyhFt6YoFpYjI+OUS+OQj
> =+Pc2
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