[Toolserver-l] [Toolserver-announce] Maintenance

emijrp emijrp at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 11:43:47 UTC 2011

Also, I'm receiving e-mails: can't access your crontab file. Resubmit it.
The error on nightshade was "No such file or directory"

2011/1/3 emijrp <emijrp at gmail.com>

> 2011/1/3 River Tarnell <river.tarnell at wikimedia.de>
> Note: crontabs from nightshade have been saved as
>> $HOME/crontab.before_nightshade_reinstall.  You should review this for
>> any necessary changes, then install it:
>>  $ crontab $HOME/crontab.before_nightshade_reinstall
> I get errors http://toolserver.org/~emijrp/cronerrors.txt<http://toolserver.org/%7Eemijrp/cronerrors.txt>
>> Until you do this, your crontab will not run.
>> You may want to review
>> <https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Using_Solaris#cron> before installing
>> the new crontab.
>>        - river/
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