[Toolserver-l] Alternative C function to vasprintf() on Toolserver

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Mon Apr 11 16:21:59 UTC 2011

Am 09.04.2011 11:28, schrieb Ilmari Karonen:
> char *vasprintf (const char *format, va_list ap) {
> 	int len; char *buf;
> 	len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap);  /* get needed size */
> 	if (len<  0) return NULL;
> 	buf = malloc(len + 1);  /* reserve 1 byte for trailing \0 */
> 	if (!len) return NULL;

shouldn't that line read
         if (!buf) return NULL;

> 	if (vsnprintf(buf, len + 1, format, ap) == len) return buf;
> 	free(buf);  /* something went wrong in second vsnprintf() */
> 	return NULL;
> }


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