[Toolserver-l] Need advice regarding compliance of a tool with TS rules

stanlekub stanlekub at free.fr
Mon May 31 08:30:20 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I was asked for a tool (which I wrote), but re-thinking of it I'm not
totally sure it complies with toolserver's rules. Can I have your
opinion please ?

Basically, this is some sort of topic-based editcounter, which fetches
the 10 users who contributed the most on the given theme, and does put
it in a table like this[1] (for the Mascarene Islands topic in this

Columns are 'username', 'editcount', 'number of distinct pages'.

Thanks in advance,

[1] http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Utilisateur:HAL/Test50&oldid=53801200

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