[Toolserver-l] change of regular expression behaviour in rewrite scripts

Andrew Dunbar hippytrail at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 23:59:26 UTC 2009

2009/8/19 River Tarnell <river at loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Platonides:
>> I understand the problem was the process creation needed by mod_suphp
>> (that's also why the switchserver was tried).
> that is correct.
>> How does Zeus run the scripts as different users?
> it starts a FastCGI process as the user when a request comes in.  when
> the request is finished, it caches the fastcgi process for a few minutes
> until the next request for that user appears.  if no request appears, it
> kills the process.

Hmm is this when the setting was changed to kill FastCGI scripts after a
minute or two when it used to be pretty much indefinite when wolfsbane
was running on Linux?

> this way, for users with popular tools, there is always a PHP process
> around to serve it without having to start one.  for less popular users,
> a new process would have to be started on each request, but since the
> request rate is so low, that's not an issue.

Sadly this is causing some of my tools to thrash since they have expensive
startups and are used on the English Wiktionary which is popular enough
to keep starting them pretty frequently but of course nowhere near as
popular as Wikipedia which most tools are for.

I've filed a bug on JIRA for this: https://jira.toolserver.org/browse/TS-334

Andrew Dunbar (hippietrail)

> ZWS supports both ISAPI and NSAPI, and i suppose you could run PHP that
> way, but then everything would run as the web server user, just like
> mod_php.
>        - river.
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