[Toolserver-l] Account-Extending December

DaB. WP at daniel.baur4.info
Sun Nov 15 15:58:51 UTC 2009

Hello all,

soon there will be Christmas and we all will eat delicious cookies, watching 
the falling snow and kitschy TV-movies, listen to the same old xmas-radio-
songs again and get and give nice presents (if you don't celebrate xmas or 
hate it, just eat cookies, ok? ;)) - the best time of year :-).

But before this, the second and last account-extending of the year will 
happen. All accounts are going to expire at 1. December. So if you need your 
account further, please send an eMail to 

ts-accounts200902 at daniel.baur4.info

before this date. The eMail should contain your login-name in the subject and 
in the body. Please do NOT send the eMail to this mailing-list; write a NEW 
eMail, DON'T use the answer-function of your eMail-client (because it will 
send the eMail to this mailinglist). If you send the eMail to the mailinglist, 
you will get the "Can't use his/her eMail-client"-price (and some jokes from 
the regulars) and NO extending.

I will send an update-eMail every Sunday which accounts are not extended then, 
to get you feedback that I got your eMail and as reminder for others.

The next expire-date will be at 1. June 2010 then. 


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