[Toolserver-l] Magic quote

bayo.fr bayo.fr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 10:47:41 UTC 2009


I check today some of my PHP script and i see problems with quotes.
You can click into "Afficher", thats funny :-)

Is the "magic quote" is activated, and can we remove it? I dont think 
last time i check, we use it. That why i request you before updating my 

I see nothing "magic" on that, it's not an help, imho it only create bad 
code; hidding explicite quotes where it's need; editing strings we dont 
request; or need extra code to support both enabled/disabled "magic quote".

If we can't disable it for the server, is there a way to unactive it per 
scripts or per account? Sure, I also can remove quotes from 
PRE/POST/COOKIE/SESSION with hands, but i dont like that.

Thanks a lot for your help.


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