[Toolserver-l] The Norwegian toolserver

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Tue Jul 28 19:51:28 UTC 2009

Earlier this spring, there was some talk, perhaps within the newly 
founded Wikimedia Norway chapter, to set up a common server in 
Norway for analysing database dumps and running bot scripts, i.e. 
a toolserver with everything except the database replication.

Did this happen? Are there a bunch of such servers around the 
world today?  Is there a list of such servers?  Should we 
encourage people to do this, or should we try to concentrate work 
(and pool resources) to the (real / German) toolserver?

Concentrating to fewer servers has the advantage that people can 
get a single account there, and join each project that is already 
there.  Distributing over multiple, independent servers has the 
advantage of offloading the central server.  It might also seem 
like an attractive project for a new Wikimedia chapter, since a 
server of their own looks like an achievement in itself.  But it 
is also a waste of resources to maintain separate servers, if 
these resources could instead be pooled.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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