[Toolserver-l] Looking for utility to perform text search

Sam Reed sam at reedyboy.net
Sat Jul 25 21:45:02 UTC 2009

Re: Rivers comment, AWB is undergoing Major changes currently for full Api
based editing.


According to a recent mono report [1], AWB is a lot closer to being Mono
with some of the dependences that we used before. We are still using the Web
Control/Browser thing for HTML rendering. The rest we would be able to work
around as appropriate..


However, saying that, AWB is still an application with a GUI.


The AWB Database Scanner code could quite easily be copied from the SVN and
reused in a small CLI application to do what you wanted.. Probably without
too many changes









[1]: http://toolserver.org/~reedy/awbmono/output.html

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