[Toolserver-l] Looking for utility to perform text search in dump

Osama KM osamak.wfm at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 16:20:47 UTC 2009

2009/7/25 River Tarnell <river at loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk>:
> .NET is not, itself, non-free.  Microsoft's implementation (the most common
> one) is, but Mono (http://mono-project.com/Main_Page) is not.  perhaps the AWB
> developers could make whatever changes are needed to run it on a free
> implementation.
Well, C# and .NET in general are patented so they aren't free and
they're bad choices.[1] AWB depends exactly on the non-free
implementation of .NET, Microsoft's which makes it even worse. Any
other program will be nice, but a Python script will be the best
because I'll be able to adapt it by my own.

[1]: <http://www.fsf.org/news/dont-depend-on-mono>

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