[Toolserver-l] unscheduled outage

Tim Landscheidt tim at tim-landscheidt.de
Tue Jul 7 12:10:24 UTC 2009

River Tarnell <river at loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk> wrote:

>> there was an unscheduled outage at ~17:20 UTC for around 15 minutes, caused by
>> a kernel panic on the NFS server (hyacinth).  the cause is currently unknown.

> Sun has identified the cause of the panic as a faulty DIMM.  we will replace
> the failed part once a replacement has been received, which will mean a short
> period of additional downtime later.

Just curious: Can you disable the fauly DIMM on the server
for that time, or is it keep-your-fingers-crossed?


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